Sunday, September 26, 2010

Beater truck returns to its roots at Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch Car Show

Each year, we head out to Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch in Liberty, take the hay ride out to find "our" perfect pumpkin, feed the farm animals, watch the pig races, and play on the farm-themed playground. Well, technically BHo does the playground stuff, but we get credit for watching.

Normally, I wouldn't even bring this up on my car blog, but this year we learned about an added little bonus--a car show! So, my old Nebraska farm truck got a change to go back to its roots, bounce down a long gravel road, and spend a day with the hay fever-inducing aura of agriculture all around.

As car shows go, this was a pretty small one. It attracted just a handful of nice cars, most of which we've seen before. They did give out a few awards to some of the nicer entries. And if you were hanging out at the car show, you got to enjoy the sights and sounds of the kiddie train encircling the show area throughout the day.

We usually visit this place later in the season, and it's usually much busier, and much colder. Today was a nice, cool fall day, and the crowd was virtually non-existent compared to what we're used to out there. I guess the desire to have a pumpkin that will still be fresh at Halloween is more important to some people than seeing a car show. Go figure.

We didn't get any awards, but we did end up with a nice little dash plaque, a wheelbarrow full of pumpkins, and the BHo seal of approval for a fun day at a family-friendly place.

I guess sometimes the car show isn't the most important part of our weekend activities.

Don't tell anyone I said that.

Check out the pictures below to see all the cars that were on display at the 2010 Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch Car Show.

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