One thing that I think everyone could agree about during the final Basehor Boys Friday night cruise of the season was that it was dark. Oh, there were cars there, but if you showed up after 6:30 like I did, you couldn't see them. Curse you, Daylight Savings Time!
Of course, that didn't stop me from taking some pictures. I literally lined up the shot where I thought the car would be, hit the button, and "discovered" the car when the flash went off. Most of the time I didn't even know what color the car was before that point.
All that being said, I was really surprised at how many great cars appeared on my camera. We're talking about November 11, and they still had a good 40 cars when I was there. And as I understand it, quite a few of them had already left. Clearly the crowd out west wanted to get one last fling in before the end of the season.
It was even a nice night out. A little cool-ish, maybe, but you seriously couldn't complain considering it could have just as easily been 20-degrees and snowing.
The Basehor Boys car club is pretty active in the area. They have this cruise night all summer, and I've been told it gets pretty huge. They also hold an annual car show, and earlier this very day some of them participated in the Leavenworth Veteran's Day Parade.
So what kind of good stuff was left by the time I got there? How about an all-black '71 Monte Carlo with what appeared to be Baldwin-Motion goodies under the hood? Next to that was a nice looking '57 Chevy convertible. I also liked the '63 Impala SS drop top. Plus, there were some traditional hot rods on the scene like a '39 Ford Sandard and a '47 Chevy; both black.
I tend to learn about a lot of the Basehor Boys stuff by Don Mayberry, who is one of those guys that never misses a car show. Don's got a green Model A sedan hot rod that has been a local staple for years. I appreciate him letting me know about some of these things. Heck, if it hadn't been for him, I would have been carshowless this weekend! Oh, and for added excitement, his car had been upgraded with light-up valve stem caps just in time for the low-light party.
I really tried to take some decent pictures for the slideshow below, but the cars were parked in a lot adjacent to the Sonic, and there just weren't any lights over there. Don't complain too much, though. New car show pictures are going to be few-and-far between from now until next spring. Enjoy them while you can!
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