Thursday, December 15, 2011

BHo's greatest hits

It’s a special day for a special member of the Hover Motor Company blog. As regular readers may know, my son BHo regularly attends car events with me, and often contributes photos for the stories. We are celebrating his eighth birthday, and I wanted to brag on him for a minute.

BHo’s birthday is obviously close to Christmas, so the influx of presents can be pretty overwhelming. We had a birthday party for him two years ago, and my wife suggested that he ask his friends for canned goods and food instead of gifts. He then donated the food to the St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry at our church, and we let him go to the store and pick out one present for himself. He collected 140 food items from his friends and family that year.

Now BHo loves cars, Star Wars, Legos, sports, and everything else that a kid is supposed to love. And there’s a lot of cool stuff that he could be getting for his birthday in the toy aisle at Wal Mart. But last year, all on his own, he said he wanted to do his food drive again instead of getting a bunch of gifts. So when he turned seven, he donated 165 more food items to the food pantry.

And sure enough, again this year, without being prompted, BHo chose to do his birthday food drive. He still has a few things trickling in, but it appears that he will once again break his record. That’s him in the top inset picture posing with this year’s donation.

I’m pretty proud of the kid, and of his mom for planting the seed, and couldn’t resist the opportunity to say something about him.

I’m also including a few of his photo slideshows below. BHo likes to take pictures of details, emblems, and other interesting little bits. So in honor of his birthday, we’re including some of his best work from throughout the summer. Happy birthday, BHo!

BHo's 2011 Greaserama pictures, Kansas City, Kan.

BHo's 2011 Micro Car Show Pictures, Mission, Kan.

BHo's North Kansas City Cruise Pictures, July 2011, North Kansas City, Mo.

BHo's Nuts 'n Bolts True Value Car Show Pictures, October 2011, Tonganoxie, Kan.

BHo's Liberty Car Cruise Photos, May 2011, Liberty, Mo.


  1. BHo ! GREAT job !
    Happy Birthday from the "Basehor Boys"

    Bless you for your generous feelings and
    the sharing of your birthday !

  2. As always - he never stops amazing me! I have
    to give credit to his parents - as I do for any
    well behaved, well adjusted, and giving child.
    I know his birthday will be special without all
    the presents! Special love to our GREAT nephew!

    Aunt Jan and Uncle Ben
